Climbing the Ranks: How 8 Law Firms Ruled the Rankings for High-Value CPC Keywords



Over last 12 months, we collaborated with prominent law marketing agencies in the USA and Canada to revamp the organic growth strategies for eight law firm projects. Through our combined efforts, we achieved substantial improvements in search engine rankings, user experience, and lead conversion rates.



The law firms were already utilizing advanced SEO techniques but needed assistance in securing a spot in the Top 5 search results and converting their traffic into leads. Despite attracting substantial traffic, their practice area pages were plagued with technical problems, subpar UI/UX, and inadequate content, hindering conversions.



Enhance the UI and content of the practice area pages to boost convertibility.



1. UI/UX Redesign

We overhauled the practice area pages’ UI, striking a balance between commercial and informational intent. The upper half of the page showcased commercial intent, incorporating captivating CTAs, authority badges, and awareness elements, while the lower half addressed informational intent with FAQs, statistics, real client images, and legal process details.

2. Content Strategy Revamp

We transformed the content to be more user-centric, updated statistics and references, and optimized the legal process section. We also neatly arranged long-tail content in tabs for easy readability.

3. In-depth Keyword Research

Our team performed exhaustive keyword research and analysis, concentrating on long-tail keywords with low competition and high search volume. We also examined search intent and user behavior to optimize content and on-page elements.

4. Comprehensive On-page Optimization

We fine-tuned on-page elements, such as meta tags, headers, images, and content, for a seamless user experience. Furthermore, we employed schema markup and structured data for improved search engine visibility and rich snippets in search results.

5. Strategic Content Marketing & Authority Link Building

We devised a content marketing plan centered on addressing user concerns and targeting long-tail keywords while promoting thought leadership via top-notch content. We also secured high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative industry websites through strategic outreach and guest posting campaigns.



Our combined SEO & CRO efforts led to impressive results for the law firms:

  • Substantial growth in organic traffic to the practice area pages.
  • Enhanced search engine rankings, with several targeted high-value CPC keywords ranking in the Top 5 search results.
  • Improved user experience on practice area pages, resulting in increased engagement and reduced bounce rates.
  • Notable growth in lead generation and conversion rates.



This collective case study highlights the effectiveness of a comprehensive SEO & CRO strategy in propelling law firms to success. By concentrating on both technical and content components, as well as user experience and engagement, we significantly boosted the law firms’ online visibility, search engine rankings, and lead generation capacity. Our holistic approach ensures enduring growth and a competitive advantage in today’s digital landscape.